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Pregnant women in need of doula near me


Prenatal support: 3 Prenatal visits Birth Plan Creation Text Support Pregnancy Prep Binder Labor Support: 24/7 oncall starting at 36 weeks Emotional,Physical,and Informational support Lactation consulting in Golden Hour PostPartum Support: 1 Postpartum Visit to discuss Birth, anwser questions and offer support. 24 Hours Postpartum Daytime care Continuous virtual support for 12 weeks (4th trimester)


Newborn after ride home with doula and mom

Dining Room

Everything in the Den package PLUS Placenta Encapsulation and Salve Total of 48 hours of day shifts postpartum One 8 hour overnight Shift PP 45 Min Postpartum Massage


Mom finally getting some rest due to her postpartum Doula

Family Room

Everything in the Dining Room Package PLUS Total of 72 Hours of Postpartum Day or Night care: -Feeding Support -Newborn Care and Comfort -Baby wearing assistance -Light Housekeeping -Help w/ older siblings -Frozen Meal Prep -Mother and Partner care and listening One 90 minute postpartum massage Pelvic Floor & Diastis Recti Rehab/Exercise Plan

**Daytime Care minimum: 4 Hours             Overnight Care minimum: 8 Hours        Care Requires at least 24 hours Notice 

Hague House Doula services requires you schedule an interview to make sure you think i'm a good fit, a retainer at signing, and payment in full by 36 Weeks, Hague House Doula also offers payment plans.

A La Carte Services

Personalized Approach

As you need Care hours
Day: $30/hr
minimums apply

-Salve/Body Butter


Lactation meeting
-60 minutes

Just Show Up Birth Support
-Me and my tools to get mama through the birth

Prenatal Q&A
-Ask a professional birth worker your burning questions. Good if you don't know if you want or can afford a Doula.

Not in the Service



24/7 Availability: Starting at 36 weeks, you'll have round-the-clock access Virtual Check-Ins: Regular check-ins via phone, text, or email to discuss your concerns, answer your questions, and provide emotional reassurance throughout your pregnancy, labor, and postpartum period. Preparation and Planning: Customized Birth Plan: Together, we'll create a personalized birth plan tailored to your preferences and desires for your birthing experience. Educational Resources: Access to a wealth of evidence-based resources, including articles, videos, and birth preparation materials to empower you with knowledge and confidence. Virtual Prenatal Sessions: Facetime Consultation: Virtual face-to-face sessions via FaceTime or a preferred video call platform before your due date. These sessions are designed to establish a strong connection, discuss your birth plan, practice comfort techniques, and address any concerns you may have. Continuous Labor Support: Live Virtual Support During Labor: When your labor begins, we'll be available through video calls to provide continuous support. We'll guide you through relaxation techniques, breathing exercises, and emotional reassurance, ensuring you feel confident and supported during this intense time. Partner Involvement: We'll support your birth partner virtually, providing them with guidance on how best to assist you during labor and childbirth. Postpartum Follow-Up: Virtual Postpartum Session: After your baby arrives, we'll schedule a virtual postpartum session to discuss your birthing experience, answer any questions, and provide guidance on newborn care, breastfeeding, and postpartum recovery. Additional Support: Continued virtual support as you adjust to parenthood, including guidance on feeding, sleep routines, and emotional well-being.

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